Saturday, September 25, 2010

Methods in Theology

My first lesson in Theology(21st sept 2010)

Before starting this course i had very limited knowledge of theology having only followed christian 'layman' theologians like C.S.Lewis, Lee Strobel, my pastor at chruch Chris Simmons(who actually studied theology at university) and a few other Christian writers. So it comes as no suprise that i was under the illusion that Theology is very much about Christianity.
Having said that I knew Theology was a very wide subject and i am very intruged to know exactly what it entails.

My first lesson started with the defination of Theology, everyone seemed to have very different definations of the word but all the definations had something in common and after the class i looked up the defination of theology and this is what I got:
Theology is the study of god or more generally the study of reliogious faith, practice and experience, or of sprituality.(wikipedia)
Somehow all our definations had one or more words from this defination so i think the defination really sums Theology up.
We also had a chat about the pope and of how the different news papers gave different views of him in connection to Theology. The papers i read and summarised did him justice in a negative way but then again I'm not a fan of the pope, vatican and all that fancy stuff, its too out there and i feel as a christian that it gives christainity a bad name and in the bible i got the impression that these where the type of people Jesus would have avoided or not been associated with had he been on earth now, Jesus didnt do fancy robes or pretty pope cars (just way to much red tape and ceremonial crap) but hey thats just my view.
However having said all of that i am really looking forward to learing and exploring more about theology- different faiths, practices and experiences of different reliogions:
Do we all share the same God? Do we deep down have the same beliefs? Why is the christian church so divided? why so much prejudice between christians and muslims? so many questions and hopefully, finally, answers.
Next week's topic is- Scripture: Source of Christian Theology
will keep you posted!!!.